Eco Energy
Delivering enhanced and unprecedented grid surveillance that allows Utilities to locate theft and inefficient lines.
The approach of the dTechs Meter Suite is simple; it delivers enhanced and unprecedented grid surveillance that allows Utilities to locate theft and inefficient lines. Utilities can easily and cost effectively monitor all aspects of their electrical grid, including prime time load data, allowing for precise load management.
Imagine a technology that can allow every jurisdiction to dramatically reduce their line loss. We know that an up to date electrical grid infrastructure should be able to obtain 1% to 4 % line loss. Depending on the severity of the problem a typical North American electrical grid that has not been optimized with a dTechs MeterSuite can have line losses up to 9 %.
To put this concept into perspective let’s look at the following example:
A large metropolitan city with 500,000 residential and 50,000 commercial customers. Primary source of energy used to produce electricity is Coal Fired Generation Plants.
Line loss before introducing the dTechs Meter suite ……………………………………………………………….9%
Line loss after implementing dTechs Meter suite ……………………………………………………………………3%
Total Line Loss Reduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………..6%
Each percent recovery in line loss equates to 300,000 megawatt hours. The cost savings for each percent is approximate 20 million dollars. In terms of ecoEnergy, each percent equates to approximately 300,000 metric tons of GHG (greenhouse gases).
Annual reduction in GHG (6 x 300,000MT)…………………………………………… 1,800,000 metric tons.
Today’s typical coal generation plant emits an average of 2,365 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) per megawatt hour. U.S. Dept of Energy
Currently in Canada, 17% of net electricity is produced by coal. Imagine only high efficiency coal fired plants, and not keeping any plants operating after their commission end dates. The positive effect on emissions and green house gases would help Canada meet or exceed emission reduction targets.
Electrical Profile Management